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Tapai Pulut
Must Try while in Malaysia

Tapai Pulut

Tapai Pulut


Lounge glutinous rice or Tapai Pulut is a traditional food in Malaysia and is very popular among people of the east coast, especially in Terengganu, and Kelantan.

The main materials used to make glutinous rice is a lounge, rice glutinous rice and yeast. Glutinous rice is first steamed and then mixed with yeast powder. Then, glutinous rice mixed yeast is packaged in a special leaf and a few days then fermented to produce sour taste.

The glutinous rice that has been fermented for 2 to 3 days is ready to be wrapped in banana leaves for sweeter fragrant and presentation before serving.

In Terengganu especially, glutinous rice is often served in the lounge the festive season. Besides Lounge glutinous rice, there is also a lounge sweet. The tapai is so sweet and juicy. It can also be chilled before be eaten.

Some people eat this tapai pulut with other sweet delights like cendol, as tapai drink or with grated coconut.

Available At Any Malay Hawkers Especially In The Moring Or Night Market

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