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Rojak Kateh
Must Try while in Malaysia

Rojak Kateh


Rojak Kateh’ is a well-known Terengganu traditional desert made from the cartilage cow’s legs. It is sliced which then cooked in vinegar and chili sauce until they are tender yet slightly chewy. This not so spicy Rojak Kateh really taste good when it served in cool. 

You can get this delicious desert at the restaurants, hawkers and Pasar Payang at a reasonable price of MYR 1 - 3.


1/2 kilo cow’s legs cartilage
Ground pepper
Food vinegar
A handful of tamarind
Brown sugar
A little salt & sugar

Boiled cow’s legs cartilage until just tender. Once tender, drain and set aside. If the size is quite large meat can be cut is small.
Heat a wok over medium heat and add the pepper paste, tamarind juice and vinegar.
Add brown sugar and let the sugar dissolved.
Season with salt to taste.
Mix the meat in small pieces into the broth with medium heat for a moment.

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