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Jakarta Car Free Day
Indonesia - Jakarta

Bundaran HI

Activities Along Jl Thamrin

Cycling Along Jl Thamrin

Activities Along Jl Thamrin


Jakarta Car Free Day is a Weekend Gateway for family activities along the busiest road in Jakarta. Activities that ranging from cycling and walking, group aerobic workout and public awareness on pollution are being held along the road. Stalls selling local breakfast are also available in-front of Plaza Indonesia, near the Budaran HI (Selamat Datang Monument).

Day and Time:
Every Sunday from 6AM to 11AM (Avoid from the 9AM and onward as the weather becomes too hot and humid)

Along Jl. Jend. Sudirman to Jl. MH. Thamrin. 

How to go:
Trans-Jakarta stop at Bundaran HI Station (1-11) or Tosari Station (1-10)
Train stop at Sudirman Station

Thing you should do:
Walk or cycle along the road and breakfast with the local

Jl. Jend. Sudirman - Jl. MH. Thamrin

-6.194619, 106.823019
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