Endau Rompin National Park is located north of Johor and South of Pahang. It is the second designated national park in Peninsular Malaysia and it contains the one of world’s oldest rainforest and the volcanic rocks. The jungle holds many secrets that defy modern technology. Some of the most unique species of plants and animals still inhibit in this jungle.
Endau Rompin has some unique flora and fauna including the endangered Sumatran rhino. It has some of Malaysia's best waterfalls namely Buaya Sangkut, Upeh Guling and Batu Hampar all within 2 hours track of each other.
When you are there, do not miss visiting the “Orang Asli” settlement to see the lifestyle of the traditional aborigine people. The major tribe that call the park home is the Jakun. In theEndau Rompin National Park, there is a splendid view of Natural waterfall like Upeh Guling, Batu Hampar, Marong and the ultimate Buaya Sangkut.
Endau-Rompin National Park is made up of a lush, pristine tropical rainforest. Covering an area of 48,905 hectares (800 sq. km), it is the second largest national park in the Peninsular after Taman Negara. With rock formations dating back some 248 million years, Endau-Rompin is mostly hilly with some prominent sandstone plateau. It also happens to be the watershed of several rivers such as Endau River, Selai River, and Jasin River.
A night in a jungle full with thrill and excitement as you will hear a creepy sound and the feeling that someone is at your back. As night falls, the forests become alive with the spooky sounds and fireflies and beetles with fluorescent wings and tails.
Getting There & Accommodation
It is best to contact your travel agent for guided tours of Endau-Rompin, as the area is largely underdeveloped and infrastructure is minimal. Entry permits are a must and visitors will have to provide two passport sized photographs and a photocopy of their identity card or passport. Endau-Rompin is accessible by road from KL and Singapore but it is advisable to use 4WD. It takes 5 hours from KL. Your travel agent will be able to provide further details as to the itinerary of your tour. The tour will typically include all meals, accommodation, and transport to and from Endau-Rompin, as well as transport within the park.
Endau Rompin National Park
80000 Labis
2.420233, 103.261405

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