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Apam Balik
Must Try while in Malaysia

Apam Balik

Apam Balik

Apam Balik


A pancake-style snack wedded with the compact package of an omelet, apam balik is stuffed with more than a sufficient amount of sugar, peanuts and the occasional sprinkle of corn -- it's a dish that's constantly being reinvented. Apam balik (may be known as 'Turnover Pancake' in English) or Ban Jian Kuih, Chin Loong Pau, Martabak Manis, Terang Bulan, Apam Pulau Pinang or Kuih Haji (in certain areas) is a type of griddle cake. Apam Balik is usually sold at specialist roadside stalls throughout Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia. In Malaysia, the dish has been declared a heritage food by the Malaysian Department of National Heritage. The texture of Apam Balik is akin to a crispier form of crumpets. The Peranakan version called Apom Balik closely resembles the Indonesian Serabi. 


Can Be Widely Found At Street Vendors, And Food Market

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